We Are Open & Ready to Serve You!
To my patients:
On April 8th, I began my 31st year in practice. Over the past 30 years, I can easily say we’ve never dealt with anything like this.
I have continued to monitor the Florida Department of Health statistics, and, in particular, Hillsborough County and our 4 surrounding zip codes on a daily basis. As these numbers have dipped significantly, I have decided to re-open the office.
Over the past two weeks we have refined our procedures and have discovered that we can see more patients than we did a few weeks ago while maintaining every possible safety and sanitary precaution. While, for obvious reasons, we are not operating in our “normal” high paced mode or taking walk-ins, we have worked this entire week and are able to safely and carefully see a substantial number of patients per day . In our new procedure, no patient will ever be less than 6 feet from a staff member (with the exception of receiving treatment) and will almost never even SEE another patient.
As of 4/20/2020 we are back to accepting new patients and we are also back to offering soft tissue, neuromuscular therapy and massage therapy.
We know this has been a challenging time for everyone and we are here to help you address your physical aches and pains as well as helping keep your body and nervous system functioning correctly to give you the best chance of maintaining optimal health.
I am taking things week to week while I continue to monitor the local statistics from DOH.
I look forward to seeing you return to the office and giving you the best chiropractic care.
I am also available to answer questions via Facebook or email. You can reach me at spinecare@tampabay.rr.com.
Stay Safe,
Dr. Lichter